Saturday, November 6, 2010

Santa Barbara Half Marathon!

WOOOOHOOOO I DID IT!!!!! I was proud to finish and accomplish my goal time of 2 hrs not having much time at all to train, only getting 3 hours of sleep the night before and many unexpected intense hills. Ive never really got into running until this year... in fact I used to hate it! This summer my sister rose and friends melanie and hailey started a little running group and I learned to LOVE it. Ive noticed that it is by far the quickest way for me to get into shape and I love that it gives a more trim and toned result rather than a more bulky looking muscle. (not that ive accomplished that!) So instead of P90x or going to the gym ive been sticking to running and yoga and LOVE them both!

Alec and Wyatt were a great support group riding along the course on their bikes and cheering me on at the finish line with water and flowers:)

Also, if you couldn't already read through my fake smile in the first picture what im really thinking is.... "are you seriously taking a picture right now? seriously on the 10th mile right after that giant hill? REAL funny."

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